My mother even wanted to give it a go!! 55 and staying alive!!

Good Times.............saints2sinners, Groton NY
The Heathens had a packed patch again today. Around thirty dudes sending it in the roasting heat wave. I would just like to say how much I enjoy our trails and the atmoshpere that comes with them. The Heathens are family and the things they do for each other and their kids is awesome. Whether it be pumping them up while their riding or just spending some time for conversation is irreplaceable. There was also a little box session at the old mans were his daughter had her tenth birthday party. So i missed alot of the stunting at the patch, but will have pics up tomorrow from that, here is some backyard stunting to hold you over till then. Also check out the they have a jam/contest coming up next weekend the 22nd and 23rd of August. Im going to try and take my family out so see you there, patch pics tomorrow,
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