Sunday is when the sun comes out! This is driving me nuts with the weather! Good news, The Heathens tarped all the trannys on the contest line, have funds for the Portland cement and have sawdust. With all Heathens getting loose at the bonfire tomorrow night and showing up at 6am on Sunday the trails will be good to go for the jam!!!!!! Its 6;45 and most of the rain seems to just missed us. Ive been watching the rader by the hour and I think that its not going to be to heavy at all here, looks like the rain will be done by mid afternoon tomorrow, i swears Ill be a meteorologist by the end of this weekend! The Heathens even hav dikes in place to divert water if perhaps the rain does get heavy! Good news, Poormans farm has donated another 53 pumpkins for a totally of 87 pumpkins to carve. We may need some help at the bonfire tomorrow night cause Im pumpkin ed out. Our sponsers have come through in a big way:
Bobby Parker at Black out Distribution hooked us up with a shit load of Kink parts!
Team blowing it sent 3 pair of knee pads, and 12 pair of gloves!
Camp Woodward sent 2 pimp book bags, lots of clothing and someones going to walk away with a weekend getaway!!! weekend getaways worth $300 bones!!!!!!!
Props supposed to have a box of goodies!
Extent has some nice shirts!
Heathens have some nice shirts!
FBM has a bunch of goodies showing up with their team!
Alot of prizes arent shown in the picture because we havent picked them up yet. All this stuff is going via 50/50 ticket. everyone who buys a ticket should go home with something. All money from 50/50 goes to pro purse. We want to hook everyone up who attends!! Im feeling real confident on things. Thanks again to all our sponsers! So stay tuned for more information, dont forget your waiver if under 18 we need your parents signature. A down loadable waiver should be on here by tonight!! See you Sunday Sunday Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!