Direct Hit!!
Ron White training for the octagon
Filling holes
Dirty Heathens
This doesn't look like a hole!
Well the Heathens are getting shit done!! april 4th all the redo and dialing should begin. There is a new law in the patch any local who doesn't help fill holes will not reep the Heathens benefits this summer and wont be able to ride!! WE are still at the mercy of the weather , with showers every week we are still unable to get a dump truck in the patch. we will need some warm temps and dry days for the ground to stiffin up. There is alot of things to do till then though there is alot of rocks and wood to through in the holes yet! A big thanks to Wayne Township landfill, they are providing and hauling all the free dirt to fill the holes. They are also cutting us a deal on the sifted clay-$12 per ton. Awesome im real stoked on all the positive help from everyone, this year is going to be kick ass.