The Heathens threw a show in State College on Saturday. James Hawkins and Amos Beury wowed the crowd, with the Commander setting them up on the mic, props to you three! Its official on Friday the Commander pulled his first three whip to Both pedals!! Super sweet! Mean while we have wised up and got plastic on most of our jumps. There is always a couple steady dirt dialer's tweaking and shredding every night in the patch. Little bird told me the LHU trails are back up and running!! The first Lieutenants daughter just turned two on Saturday as well, congrats! New grill in the backyard and the little Heathens were doing one footers and one handers today!! 5 and 12 tearing up a five foot box!! Dads super stoked! July 3rd some legendary dirt wizards will be stopping in for a little sesh, they're going crazy from not being able to ride their trails! How hard would it be to have the best trails in the world totally dialed and you cant ride them due to weather and politics!!!!!!!!!! Good things come with patience and persistence. Hopefully I can get more blogs up now that I'm broke off. Doubt it cause it takes me twice as long to tweak stuff in the patch. See you at the patch!!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Super Fun
More pics from the Gypsie jam, its been shitty since they left raining everyday. Today the Heathens were in the hole again dialing things in. It looks real nice, a new line is being born after the berm on tables. Looks good, you can see pics of Amos getting inked in the Superbmx van at pretty sweet! Weather looks nice for this week so come on down and dial away at the patch. Bring some more plastic as the jumps are all getting covered, or pitch some money in the pot mate. The hole has to be filled!! Looks like we are going to set up the dumptruck for 2nd to 3rd weekend in Jully! Theres talk of a mega treehouse in the works as well!!!!!!!!!!! So go out and dig the shit out of somebodys woods!!
Friday, June 19, 2009
Gypsie's in the patch!!
This post is long overdue!! Stuff is difficult when you gotta work fourteen hour days with two hours driven everyday. Just not enough time lately to get a new post up, sorry people. The FBM Gypsy tour hit the patch Monday night and on into Tuesday, heads just kept rollin in. It was a epic sesh with about 80 shredders deep! I am still astonished!! I haven't rode my bike that hard since I was probably seventeen!! It was awesome to see dudes that you read about and check out daily on the web at your spot smilen and haven fun! So much stuff happened the food was being cooked all day and all night, Crandall taken flight, I slept in the pull behind and lost my mind! the Credence team was blowing shit up and riding scooters through the patch, Darryl Nau broke the circuit record which was 8 laps he did 25!!!! Nuts! Buses and vans parked all through the woods, slingshot duels, the landowner even got a gypsy tattoo! A big thank you goes out to Fred and Robin for letting everyone come and camp!! Thanks to all the teams for coming and hooking us up with cool stuff!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Heathens on the road!!
Some Heathens headed South to Derrick Adams to help kick of the FBM Gypsies Tour. It was nuts we drove to Catty to run a couple wheelbarrows and say hi to the dirt wizards. Those guys are the best dirt dialer's in PA!!! Looks wilder then you could imagine. Thunderbooms ran us back to the van to get to the jam. We drove though a terenchal downpour to get a bunch of runs before the buckets fell. It was a good time and even with the rain everyone had a good time. Heathens stayed home to dial the patch, thanks guys. All day today Heathens dialed away for the Gypsies Tour, so stoked!!!!!!!!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Thunderstorm Thursday!!!!!!
Another wet night in the patch! The weather starting to have me worried for thr forcoming event. The extended forcast is SHIT! A little sun and the patch can get the first runs after this long work/dig week. Im fuken tired! I wonder how the rest of PA dirt is taken all the percipatation? The trails are closed for riding untill Tuesday but Bar BQ dig sesh Sunday so come down and throw some dirt around!
Its a long way to the top!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Bruised Hips, Awesome Lips

The trails were a little more lonely this sunday than last sunday, but some time was spent grooming and patching. We also checked out my bruise from last weeks lashings. Then some of us headed up to Tommy T's house to check out his back yard setup. The commander was throwing down all his moves and Jason Voorhees decided to grace us with some sweet three tire-grabs. Tyson was chuckin the bars and going to the moon and Crazy horse aped it like he always does. Hopefully we get some digging done this week the dirt should be nice in soggy with all this rain. So if you can head up there and lend a hand.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Slammin Sunday Continued

A heavy session went down on the new line known as "Harriet Tubman." Tommy T was throwing down classic moves and Tyson boosted and floated like no other. The patch was cracking the whip however taking out several dudes. See you next sunday hopefully with better karma in the air.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Slammin Sunday!!
The patch was erie this weekend! Thirty deep and twenty of them went down, some were riden dirty and some not at all. Showtime Seth took the worst one winning a concussion. I swear I never saw anything like it! Bad ass Billy showed up, awesome! I havent seen this kid in a year since he graduated from Penn Tech. Zach my twelve year old son, is getting dialed! Makes a father proud as hell! The Toyminater will soon be leaving us too, after he wraps up his schooling, were gona miss him! The Commander is back on the road for his final tour this summer then hell be home to help stack the patch!! After Sundays sesh a couple Heathens hit up Santinoes for some super and then they wanted to see the old mans box jump. So the fire made the fire and they liked what they saw so a session occurred at 9 thru 11:30pm. I parked the blazer in the yard lighting up the neighborhood and shit got crazy!! Backyard big air goes to Greggy, Toyminater rode the 18inch better then his own whip, and Brent gets the big air award on the lip! It was bright as hell to the lip then total darkness, crazy! Thanks for the show boys! Well have to have a barbecue some weekend when the suns out! Ive been carven and tweekn in the patch last two days with some short Beury shifts, so get your ass to the patch right after yer done talkn shit in the comment section at the bottom bitch................
Monday, June 1, 2009
Stack it Saturday!!!
Well the Woods were empty again on Saturday, it was wet. But the loyal Heathens were there stacking the new line. Even the Commander was home and digging!! The littlest Heathen and big brother were digging hard, harder and often then most. It was a good nice day with the Heathen family, the best things in life are free!!
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