Enjoying the nice weather for a change!
Took the family to Disney for a family vacation with a long awaited day with Mike Cottle. It was super awesome that on Mikes day off he took me and my family to canoe in these springs. It was cool as hell we were in there with gators 10feet away turtles, fish, birds,otters and did I mention gators! After that we headed over to the trails. I was quite nervous considering it poured the night before. The 85 degree weather and blistering sun prevailed and it was on. It was difficult at first considering at home our trails are all downhill and where these are flat. I got worked and as usual ended up riding dirty. Everyone had a great time even the drummer from Andrew WK helped my daughter with her times tables!! It was really amazing, at what these guys have to go through to have trails. Even more stunning was watching Mike and Mark roast those doubles easier 10feet higher then I could. Super good time, everyone was cool as hell and the family is still talking about that day so a big thanks to you Mike for making this trip the one that we will never forget!! So after this go to http://wastedyouth97.blogspot.com/. and check that out and if you ever get the chance to meet Mike Cottle you will get to see that he is one of a kind!!