Protoz Video for vital from BJ Wolfe on Vimeo.
You will see at aprox 2:58 in this video where i try to dismount to a stump. Sucked real bad, but was not enough to hold me down. It was a summer getaway me and best buddy KB. We drove from my house to Pittsburgh in a old toyota truck with no radio. You learn alot about somebody in a vehicle for 4 hours with no tunes. Any rate it was a awesome time!! Then around twelve out of smokes and whiskey Kb decides to go to town for some epic sandwich. Drunk as hell and i couldnt walk he says Tommy you gotta drive. WTF ok, i drive on a miracle we find it have this legendary sandwich with badass entertainer Mike Cottle and couple more beers. Its now 3am and we got a four hour drive home drunk as fuck. Well long story short we made it by some miracle cause i ran every redlight between Pittsburgh and Lock Haven since I couldnt use the clutch. Got home at 6am record time KB then drove another 3 hrs to his home. It was a trip I will never forget, BMX+Best Buds=Epic good times!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cant wait till next year Thanks to http://wastedyouth.blogspot.com/ for the video